Pi Day extensions and Waves

Was going for an easy and fun Family Math talk about Pi Day, and we ended up talking about waves. Surprisingly fun morning.

We started off just talking about Pi Day which is next Saturday (in the US anyway):


Next up – e day! Why don’t we celebrate this? When would it even be? We think it should be April 12th.


What about Fibonacci day? Lots of different possibilities here. We use the Golden ratio relationship to suggest that Fibonacci day could be May 19th.


Finally, my younger son suggested Tau Day. This led to a fun discussion about 2 \pi and waves, and then to my younger son wondering about how you could think of the Earth moving around the sun as a wave. Interesting.


I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about how you could think of the Earth’s motion around the Sun as a wave, so we went for an extra little addendum to the previous talk.


So, a fun talk that was supposed to be just some fun and silly discussions about the days when you could celebrate certain numbers turns into a discussion about waves. Really fun morning.

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