Extending Eugenia Cheng’s “Shapes” video

I saw this amazing video from Eugenia Cheng tonight:

I had to write about some fun extensions because of the cookie cutting part reminded me of this related tweet from Laura Taalman:

Follow the link to download some 3d printing templates for cookie cutters in the shapes of tiling pentagons!!

If for some reason you don’t want to make pentagon cookies right away, an alternate use for the pentagon cookie cutters is to talk a little math with kids 🙂

Using Laura Taalman’s 3d Printed Pentagons to talk math with kids

Three other fun extensions of the activities in Cheng video that came to mind watching it are:

(1) Folding a dodecahedron into a cube

dodecahedron fold

Can you believe that a dodecahedron folds into a cube?

This project came from a paper folding tweet I saw from Simon Gregg:

Our friend Pamela Rawson also did it with paper:

Pamela Rawson’s “More 3D Geometry

so you definitely don’t need a Zometool set to make the shape!

(2) A second fun paper folding activity that you can use to extend Cheng’s video uses Paula Beardell Kreig’s “Puff Boxes”

The two projects we did with these boxes are here:

Paula Beardell Krieg’s Puff Boxes

Paula Beardell Krieg’s Puff Boxes – Day 2

(3) The last set of projects that came to mind that use ideas similar to the ones in Cheng’s video came from watching a lecture by Tasashi Tokieda:

Some of Tokieda’s fun ideas with Möbius strip are in this video:

and our projects using some of Tokieda’s other ideas ideas are here:

Tadashi Tokieda’s “World from a sheet of paper lecture”

So, enjoy the great new video from Eugenia Chen, go make some math cookies(!!) and play around with a few of the extensions of the ideas in her video 🙂